Mobilizing a generation of Indigenous youth to design solutions to our communities’ most critical challenges
In 2004, after ten years of running the ESTEEM Team program, it became clear that Indigenous youth were not being adequately reached through Motivate Canada youth programs. Drawing from the expertise gained through the ESTEEM Team program, and in partnership with the Aboriginal Sport Circle, GEN7 was initially developed in 2005 as a role model program specifically for Indigenous youth and meant to address the unique circumstances and challenges they face.
For 10 years, the GEN7 Program trained more than 80 GEN7 Messengers (Role Models) and has reached more than 80 First Nation communities across Canada through the program.
Today – the GEN7 program is actively pursuing a renewal to adapt to the current needs identified by our community, including: Indigenous youth, their communities, our Messengers and partners.
This renewal will continue to be based in the principle of the 7th Generation – that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future
Youth Voices
“It’s so important to young people to have someone positive to look up to. It’s especially important when it’s someone that they can relate to, someone who has overcome the same struggles that they are facing or will face.”
-GEN7 Messenger